What else could a nerd want?

Posts tagged “George RR Martin

Authors Want Multimedia Deals

With the monstrous success in the past decade or so, is it so surprising that authors are working to get movie deals?  This brings a wonderful opportunity to new artists.  It proves that the literary world is not dead.  It takes a special kind of author to be able to handle this though.  Recently, I have seen an IMDB page for “The Warded Man” which is based off a novel series called “the Demon Cycle” by Peter V Brett.  You will be getting a review of the first book of the Demon Cycle in the coming days.  I’ll just say right off the bat, it’s a great read.  My hope is that Mr. Brett can handle the multimedia world, the same way that Brandon Sanderson has.  If you don’t already know, Mr. Sanderson is involved in “Infinity Blade”.  It is a book and video game that work great together.  I do recommend that you take a look any time you see Brandon Sanderson connected to it.

So what’s the danger in working on media deals?  Let’s take a look at a couple authors who have not done it right.  I want to say, these writers are great and I love their books.  I have great respect for them, but George RR Martin and David Farland (Wolverton) seem to have let the work towards media deals get in the way of their writing.  Mr. Martin is well known for the amount of time it takes for him to complete a novel, which is so hard on “A Song of Ice and Fire” fanatics.  Don’t get me wrong, he has paved the way for fantasy fiction authors to move into pop-culture, but can we get through the series with you as the author?  Mr. Farland had been on a good run of releasing “Runelords” novels.  Now that the ninth and final book in the series has come up, he seems more interested in a movie deal and other multimedia dreams than finishing his novel.  To be fair, his son was in a terrible longboard accident a few years back.  I truly feel for him and his family, but the book should have been done by that time.  As you have seen, I have been in contact with David Farland and I have full faith that the ninth novel will be as brilliant as we have come to expect from his amazing writing style.

So what am I saying about writers trying to move beyond the pages?  I’m saying that they should go for it!  But when they do go all out, don’t forget the fans who have made them a household name.  I have full faith that my favorite series will continue and be finished, even if there is a slight delay in their releases.  Keep writing those great novels and turning them into other media authors out there!


HBO Does Tyrion Better


Good morning Interweb!!!

If one thing can be said about the wonderful job of characterization that HBO’s Game of Thrones has done, it would be the genuine likability of the Imp, Tyrion Lannister. Through the book series, I found him to be vindictive and cunning. HBO took him one step further with the casting of the lovable Peter Dinklage. He brings a humility and cockiness to the down on himself dwarf. Some may argue that the lack of self loathing that you hear so much about in the books detracts from the true character of Tyrion. I happen to believe that it drives his character much better when you have to look beneath the surface to try to determine his true feelings. My favorite question that I’ve had to ask myself is, “Does he truly feel that he is so above others, or is it a charade to help him lie to himself?”. Of course, if you read the wonderful Song of Ice and Fire series, you already know the answer. But, mr. Dinklage does such a compelling job with this character that you almost forget some of the book’s descriptions of him. (he certainly is not as ugly as the series portrayed him.). Pay attention to his character this season, because you are in for a wild ride! What do you think of Tyrion? What has HBO lacked and what has it done to be stronger than the novels?

Happy viewing everyone!


Game of Thrones Season 2


Welcome Game of Thrones Season:2!!! HBO is officially the only cable station (or television station in general).to make a truly movie-quality show. (Spartacus on Starz was almost there. I hope they keep at it). This season brings you right back where you left your favorite dis functional realm. They waisted no time getting right into the action. The season will be following Stannis, Arya, Daenerys, Jon… I think you get the picture. I consistently find myself amazed with HBO’s ability to follow all of the characters without putting us all into a confusion induced coma. The show continues to flow and keep the action coming. I will be blunt here. You will despise a few characters you liked, and slowly begin to like some that you hated. This season’s character to watch? I’m thinking Arya of house Stark. Who are you most excited about? Any thoughts on Melisandre? I’ve read the books, but I still don’t know what I think of her.

5 of 5 swords

Happy viewing!!!


It’s 2012… So What?

So what?! How dare I! 2012 should, actually, be a great year. (If you ignore that whole end of the world thing). There are a few things that have me more excited than anything else. “But what could those be?”, you may be asking. So in true nerd fashion, I have a list of things I can’t wait for.

1. My wedding- OK, I know most of you could care less about this event. In fact, some may complain that it has nothing to do with fantasy. Think of it this way. I am an extreme nerd. My wife to be is both hot, and a nerd. To me this is a real life fantasy. (OK, that was pretty sappy. But it may earn me brownie points.).

2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- What is there not to be excited about? Not only are we getting return appearances from many beloved cast members of Lord of the Rings, but we also get to see Martin Freeman as Bilbo. We can just say this movie will be a home run. Oh yeah, let’s not forget that Peter Jackson is, once again, taking the helm. The most exciting actor for me is Mr. Martin Freeman. We’ve seen him rise from a costar in “Ali G Indahouse” to everyone’s favorite second to last human in “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. (Let’s not forget his roles in “Shaun of the Dead” and “Hot Fuzz”.). Most recently, I’ve enjoyed his portrayal of Dr. John Watson in the BBC series, Sherlock. (It’s in Netflix. You should watch it). He may have been a comedic actor for most of his career, but it will be a treat to see him in such an important role.

3. Game of Thrones: Season 2- What more needs to be said? HBO makes great shows and this has been a delight. The casting is perfect and the story is, obviously, fantastic. This series sticks to the books so well, it may be a better adaptation than the Starz series of Pillars of the Earth. (Loved that show too). Having read the series, I promise this season will be epic. (unless they royally screw the pooch). Prepare yourself for more Tyrion and Daenerys. Let’s just hope the ratings stay up so we can get the whole story. (Please don’t pull another Rome HBO)

4. Cubs World Series- OK, another non-fantasy excitement. Though it is just as unlikely as finding one ring to rule them all. Since the world is supposed to end on December 21st, it would only make sense for it to be the year the Cubs win the World Series.

If you are still reading this, thank you, and let me know what you’re most excited about for 2012. Maybe it’s on my list, or maybe it should have been. I can’t wait to hear what you can’t wait for.


P.S. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. It was a busy Holiday season. I can’t believe we are in month four of the blog. Thank you to all of my readers.